How to DIY a Hogwarts robe! -Book day special

In honor of book day, I’m going to be showing you how to DIY Hogwarts robes for all those Potter heads out there. These instructions are for any sort of Hogwarts house and is not only based on Harry or Gryffindor. You can customize it if you’re a different Hogwarts house. Hopefully you find these instructions easy and helpful for book day. Enjoy!

1. How to make the scarf / tie

For the tie/scarf you will need..

  • A red tie (or Blue for Ravenclaw, green for Slytherin depending on your Hogwarts house)
  • gold fabric paint
  • Ruler
  • Thick and thin paint brush

Start by covering the place with newspapers so it doesn’t mess up the area. Then with your thick brush, start adding 2 gold lines using a ruler diagonally like the picture below.

Make sure that you measure the distance between the lines and repeat them imitating the lines. After you’re done with the thick lines make 1 thin line using your thin brush and repeat the pattern.

2. How to make the Robes

For the robes you will need..

  • Black fabric
  • Fabric glue
  • Scissors

First, Lay your black fabric down on the ground folded into two and lay on it to make sure if the robe will fit you. After that mark the edges but leave a lot of space in between since the Hogwarts robe style is a bit oversized. After cutting it out, Use the fabric glue to glue the down flowy part of the sleeves and the sides of the robes leading to the sleeves. Then hem the edges of the sleeves for a clean edge. After that, cut the fabric right down the middle. make sure that you only cut one piece of the fabric and not both of them. After that make sure to hem the sleeves again, the bottom of the robes, and the middle.

Hogwarts crests

For the Hogwarts crests you will need…

  • Transfer paper
  • A color printer
  • Hogwarts crest of your choice
  • Iron

Peel of the transfer paper and iron the patch of where you want it to go on your robe. Enjoy!

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